Sunday, January 13, 2013

Counting the Cost...Reestablishing the Bowie Home

Patience is a virtue, one which I am growing in daily as we reestablish our home. Each day brings a greater reality of our loss and the cost thereof.  It's the little things that we have need of that we seem to miss i.e. dish cloths, beverage coasters, electric pencil sharpener, even a needle and thread; it is also these things that add up very quickly and together can be very costly when you have need of them all at one time.  This road of the journey looks long and rough and yet, I am faithful that God will see us through.

I know that Rome was not built in a day nor will the Bowie home be reestablished in a day.  Though the cost of replacing the personal belongings for eleven people is more than a financial burden, but a physical and a mental burden as well.  The task of recollecting the loss and understanding the needs of each person is time consuming and the cost of making those purchases all at once can be astronomical.  We accumulated that which we had overtime, as there was a need and/or an opportunity to purchase wisely.  It is with these things in consideration that I have been humbly making requests for others to share with us in this burden by giving of their time, their prayers and their material things, for I am standing on the promise that my God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory.

As I continue to seek the Lord for wisdom, confidence and peace along this road, pray that I will continue to grow in patience and humility as I wait and receive of Him that which He has for us.  I want nothing more than to reestablish our home as God would have it.  "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it..." Psalms 127:1.


  1. Such an inspiration of hope Michele, that yes God will supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory. My continued prayer for your family is that everything will be restored to you ten fold, in Jesus name. :-)

  2. Thank you for your kind words and your prayers, Tera. It is the prayers of others that sustain us.
