Friday, August 9, 2013

Trust the Lord, Always

I must begin by saying "thank you" to all who have prayed for my family and I as we have been grieving the loss of our child unto miscarriage.  The loss of a child is always difficult for me. I have experienced two miscarriages and the birth of a still born (Zephaniah Bowie).  Each of these losses were heart wrenching, but with God, through the Holy Spirit I was able to receive His will with peace.

With this particular loss, I was given wisdom and grace, before hand.  The Lord gave me knowledge of our situation in that of my low hcg level.  That insight lead me to seek Him diligently for that which I needed to carry on, sometimes moment by moment and other times day to day.  It also gave me the opportunity to trust Him and to put my faith into action.  I chose to handle the situation like David, for while there was still hope, I prayed, in faith, for the healthy life of our child, but when I experienced the miscarriage, though I sobbed with much grief and sorrow, I chose to accept His will, press on and bless His name.

Through this season of life, through the fire, including this pregnancy and loss, I have learned to trust the Lord, always.  When the trials and tribulations of life present the Lord...when the Lord, when the Lord, when the Lord, when the Lord and when the Lord.  "...for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phil 4:11b

Thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit that strengthens, comforts and keeps me...I trust You, always.  "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Phil 4:13