Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Except the Lord Build the House

Many have asked where we are with regards to having our home rebuilt, well, it has been through the demolition process where they remove all the damaged and destroyed materials including walls, ceilings, flooring etc.  For us, since more than 2/3 of our home was ruined by fire, water and or smoke, the demolition consisted of every room in our home leaving it with only the frame and wires. The plan is to rebuild our home from this state and our hope is that the process will begin soon.

Meanwhile, Walter and I are prayerfully walking with the Lord.  God has already started the rebuilding of our home, that of our family. He has begun a good work in us.  "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it...", Proverbs 127:1a.  We recognize that through this process, God wants to build us up.  We have been through some trying times in the past four years by which we have been tested, not just Walter and I, but also our children.  We have been going "through the fire", spiritually, for sometime...loss of a child, loss of a job etc. and by His grace we are still standing...together!  This current tragedy, the loss of our home, we feel, is another opportunity for God to prevail.

We have seen God in the midst since the moment He woke us up on November 4, 2012 to alarm us to get out of our home, "...except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.", Proverbs 127:1b.  It was God who awoke Micah that he might alarm the rest of us.  God has been our protector and our provider; He has been present and purposeful, for He is not through with us yet.  It has been good to know that not only do we see and recognize He is at work, but our children are also experiencing God and professing Him, now that is construction in progress!

Of course, we desire for the building of our physical home to be in progress right now, but even with that, we know that it is in His hands.  We have sought Him about the rebuilding of our home and just what that should entail...should there be changes, and if so what changes?  We have committed that to Him; over this we will not have contention amongst us nor shall we loose sleep. We are trusting Him; prayfully watching and waiting to see His will be done.

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