Tuesday, January 22, 2013

God's Provisions...Blessed to be a Blessing!

As a church family we are going through a series called Surviving the Fiscal Cliff.  It has been very enlightening for me personally as well as for my family.  There have been a few good conversations amongst us regarding self discipline, provisions, gratefulness and humility. I have been encouraged to check myself and correct the error of my thinking and that of my ways with regards to my wants, my needs, my provisions and my provider.  I have had convictions and confirmations, but more importantly I have had a fresh revelation of God's goodness, His grace and His mercy unto my family and myself.

This week's message was entitled, "Can We Soften The Landing?".  It was refreshing for me to hear Pastor Jim's personal testimony of how his family manages their finances.  He stated that they "choose" to spend their money differently.  They live within their means, don't use credit, shop wisely and save.  It is evident to me that they have made a conscious choice to live debt free that they may give freely as the Lord leads.  This message was encouraging and inspiring.  It gave clarity on the purpose of God's provisions unto us, that is for us to live a disciplined, faithful, life unto Him.

Early on in our marriage, Walter and I recognized God as our provider of all things: our job, our home, our finances, our hope, our joy and our peace.  Financially, we have never had an abundance of cash flow, but we've always had what we need and often times more.  We live on a budget and we too choose to live within our means.  I have learned that truly it is our choices that deem the extent of our challenges, trials and test, for we will encounter a few.  But, if we choose to acknowledge God and His sovereignty, accept His will and walk in His way we will not only endure them, we will glorify Him through the process.  The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him; we are blessed to be a blessing!

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