Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grateful to God and His People

We are so grateful for the kindness of others!  The love of God has been displayed to us over and over by His people.  It is not by coincidence that when we humble ourselves and let others know we have a need or a desire it is given us and often times the blessing is beyond our imagination.  That's God.  Through prayer and humility, I have seen His will be done over and over again.

Earlier, in a blog posted, I share that I was looking for bikes for our children.  Within hours, literally, less that 24 hours, we were offered four bikes.  What a blessing!  Our children really wanted bikes to ride this summer and we just could not for see purchasing seven bikes...yes, seven.  We generally acquire things one at a time, on an as need bases, unless it is given as a birthday gift.  So, to say the least we were in awe with God for answering our request, a mere desire, not really a need, so quickly through His people.

To say the least the Bowie children are very happy and very grateful for such blessings. I am just so thankful to God.  When He blesses, he does so  with such love and it is, as I said "beyond my imagination!

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