Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Pursuit of Virtue

Monday, was the second day of Virtue Family Fun Camp and so the journey begins!  Ladies, if you are in need of inspiration, encouragement and/or accountability, come join us for this summer series...Called to be...A Virtuous Woman.

I am so excited to share what God is teaching me about me.  Thus far, I know that I have been called, for the question has been posed, "Who can find a virtuous woman?"..., Proverbs 31:10a.  That is to imply that I must accept the call or responsibility to "be" virtuous.  I do, I accept my call and I know my worth, "...for her price is far above rubies", Proverbs 31:10b.  This is the value placed upon me by my husband;  I am certain that he knows I am a rare find ;) and I must reflect that worth daily.

I accept the charge to be trustworthy, "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her...", Proverbs 31:11a.    I want Walter to be confident of my submission to him and his well being.

I choose to make it my business to know his heart and mind and to help him accomplish that which God has called him unto; I want to compliment him.  Even with my greatest desires and sincere heart, I must admit, this requires my submission to God and his Holy Spirit, first, that I may be filled with fruits that I lack.

I know that my presentation at home and in public are what makes Walter feel safe with me, not threatened, nor shamed. " that he shall have no need of spoil", Proverbs 31:11b.  It is a privilege to manage his affairs and to do him good.  For me, the difficulty is to be considerate of him, always, no matter what his state: physically, mentally or spiritually.  I know that my commitment and covenant unto him can not be conditional, "She will do him good and not evil all the days of his life", Proverbs 31:12.

I must be wise and discerning, willing to make sacrifices, having knowledge to make good decisions for him and our household. Wow! Lord, what a call!  I know I can NOT do this on my own.  I  have need of You continuously throughout each day, for my duties are great. I have need of my sisters in Christ as well to walk along side me that we might sharpen, inspire and empower one another.

As reflect on the Proverbs 31 Woman this summer, one of the greatest blessings I have is to embrace this journey with my daughter as she too has accepted the "call" to be a virtuous woman.  I have the pleasure of watching her pursue God for herself.  She is reading a couple of books this summer to give her wisdom and insight that she might be the woman God has called her to be.  As I engage in conversations with her and she shares what God has said to her and how He is leading her, I am humbled by her love and passion for pursuing Him and his will for this season of her life.  Won't you join us?  We meet each Monday at Lazelle Woods Park, Lazelle Rd. Virtue Family Fun Camp begins at 1:30 and includes a Bible study, book review and prayer, 3:00-4:30. Comment for more information.

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